2. Js on Server

Node js allow the developer to use javascript both on the client and server side, providing a unified language and ecosystem.


A server is a remote computer which we can assume that its working remotely to provide resources and services to another computer program

V8 Engine

it is written in C++, which is a js engine used to execute js code. V8 is google’s open source high performance js and web assembly engine written in C++. It is cross-platform can can be embedded into any C++ application. Thus we can say that “Node js is a C++ application with V8 embedded in it“.

ECMA script

ECMA stand for European computer manufacture association. These are the standard/rules which js follow.

Q- Why V8 is written in C++. What is the used of it?

  • Whenever we write js code, this code is processed by C++ program or js engine which convert high level language to low level language, which is further understood by computer in the form of binary.